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Piggery Run Farm

100% Berkshire pork

🌲 Merry Christmas 2020

by | Dec 27, 2020

Hello reader,

We here at Piggery Run Farm hope that you had a lovely Christmas!

It even turned out to be a white Christmas after all!

I’m not sure what I really think of that…I was certainly enjoying the 50 degree temperature and the lack of Minnesota mud or ice….that was certainly a treat for mid-December!  The animals all enjoy the warmer winter weather too.

Take a look at the pigs, active as ever, below! 


I have been having all sorts of fun lately, looking for and trying out pork related recipes. 

Check out this one, a re-creation of a yummy college days cafeteria special (but *spoiler alert* doesn’t taste the true “cafeteria food”!)

BLT Spread

It’s an easy to make and fast to eat bacon-filled treat!
Other farm happenings
Goosey is thrilled that I set up a heater in her swimming pool this winter. Those goose feet must be much better insulated than my human feet!

This hen went broody this past week. (This means that she’s decided it’s the right time to sit on a nest and hatch eggs.) 

This is pretty unusual for this time of the year as it most definitely NOT the right temperatures and weather conditions to successfully raise a clutch of little chicks.  She was broody most of last summer (frustrating since that also means she’s not laying eggs herself…) and when it happened, I put her into her own cage out in bright sunlight. Supposedly that “de-broodifies” chickens.  It worked occasionally…otherwise, when let her back out again, she’d jump right back into the nesting boxes again. This time, however, I think I’m going to leave her…the other hens lay eggs in a nest right next to her and she steals the eggs and keeps them under her, a useful trick for this time of the year when eggs freeze somewhat quickly in below zero temps. 

We’ll see how long she keeps up with this!  

I found this beer bread recipe the other day. Super delicious!  Not on the Piggery Farm website, but seeing this picture reminded me how delicious it was and wanted to share…would highly recommend!
Well, I am off to try a new pork recipe – Honey Balsamic Pork Chops.  I thought perhaps I’d get out the smoker this afternoon and try it on there…but decided to take the quicker way and make them on the stove. We’ll see if I have enough frying pans to make 6 all at one time… 🤔 

From all of here at Piggery Run Farm, with 2 feet or 4 feet,
we wish you a Happy New Year!! 😘

Naomi and the gang

Naomi Johnson

Naomi Johnson


Hi, I'm Naomi Johnson and I'm the main lady here Piggery Run Farm. I'm excited to bring you tales from our little Minnesota family farm, recipe inspiration and of course some of the Berkshire pork we are proud of. Our family includes my husband, Lindsey, along with our 6 kids. We spend our days experiencing God's love, growing our own food, and encouraging and teaching others to do the same.

$9/pkg snack sticks

Lots of different flavors...perfect for any Super Bowl party

How to get your southern Minnesota 100% Berkshire pork

Local Pickup:

You can pick up meat at our local store location in Gibbon or on our farm, most weekdays and Saturday mornings.

Local Delivery:

We offer a free weekly delivery of our meat every Monday afternoon to New Ulm, MN.

Here's how it works:

1. Place an order here on the website before Sunday night 7pm.

2. You can pay with PayPal, Venmo or leave cash at your home and I'll pick it up when I drop off the meat.

3. After you place an order, I'll touch base with you via text for any other details.

4. Leave a cooler outside your home and I'll leave your meat there when I come by.  Delivery time is sometime between 1pm and 6pm, Monday afternoons.


We can ship.  Please contact us at for shipping cost estimates.